About us
The council is a non-profit corporation committed to helping protect lives, property, and resources from harm by wildfires, and to educating the public on wildfire dangers and how to reduce them. The council supports projects that help make homes, neighborhoods, and communities fire safe by management of natural and man-made resources.
FSCMC is looking for people who want to join us in volunteering to help meet these life-protecting goals. If you are interested in learning more, please come to our next meeting and introduce yourself. If you are interested in joining FSCMC's Board of Directors, being an Advisor, or participating on a committee, please email [email protected]. Committees are:
FSCMC meetings have transitioned to be attended both in person and via Zoom. If you would like to be added to the meeting notification email list, send your request to [email protected]. Meeting places and times, and links to join via Zoom, are on the meeting calendar page. FSCMC's officers and directors:
FSCMC's advisors: