wildfire evacuation
Stay alert to when it's time to evacuate and when its safest to stay at home
"Individuals and families must understand evacuation and shelter-in-place concepts and zones before a disaster strikes so they can make informed decisions and take protective actions. Individuals and families should develop plans and ensure their readiness for both protective actions."
inside the home- Shut all shutters, windows, and doors but leave them unlocked
- Remove flammable curtains or shades - Move flammable items and furniture away from windows and doors - Shut off gas - Shut off air conditioning Vertical Divider
outside the home- Remove flammable items from around the exterior of the house
- Remove flammable items from decks - Turn off propane tanks and move away from the home - Attach garden hoses to water valves for firefighters to use if necessary - Place a ladder near the home for firefighters to access the roof |